Thursday, October 10, 2013

I am too slow

Hey guys, Dimeswag here. I am a slow thinker. I am not going to lie, I really am slower than a sloth with Alzheimers. It takes me 30 minutes to finish four math problems. I often find myself often in a haze staring off into the distant. I am constaintly distracted in some way, shape, or form. I never get any work done on time. When I took my test for gifted even the results said I was slow. I had a slow reaction time between my brain giving me ideas and my mouth potraying them out. I am smart as heck don't get me wrong but I always  depict myself as a lesser of the group. The only think I have that a minority of us has is common sense. Sometimes I think to myself "Why are you!?!?... Never mind"  I tend to ignore stupid mistakes unless it involves me. I was also gifted in gue way that I talk to others. The way I explain ideas and concepts. I am not gifted in social talking to people at all. When I talk go someone the conversation lasts no more than a few seconds and it's usually a question. For example. When I talk to "her" I always have nothing to say, no ideas on how to carry on the conversation. The only reason holding me back is that I am not able to have a conversation with her because I always lack a topic to talk about. I never know what to say to a girl like that. Anyways, I am not only mental slow, I was beat to the punch. I think. This girl (again) hangs around two guys I noticed (they hang around her I should say) and one of them is friendly.with her, like the pokey petting type of friendly but more rough. She always turned him away but in a polite way but inside I know she doesn't like him. But then there is this other guy... Football player. He gets a even closer. He sits right beside her, like squished together when there is plenty of room. The worst part (for me) is that it doesn't bother her as much as the first guy. If anything she embraces it. They walk and talk together. It bugs me. This is where the little green mister kicks in. I never get any satisfaction from her, not even a "thank you" or a replied "morning" when I say good morning. Like I don't exist. Never says my name. Never mentions me. Nothing. But lately she has been talking to me... Not much but it's because I perpously.pit myself around her hoping I find something to talk about but it never does because I am just too slow.
Love - Dimeswag (No Homo)

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