Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Lets write a story children!

So I thought this was funny. Currently in my advanced/gifted ELA class there is this assignment due tomorrow.

The assignment was to write a draft of a mystery/horror story approximately 6 - 10 pages (3-5 sheets)
Well this is why I thought it was funny. On the included rubric the story is to be told from the view point of the creep, of the one committing the horror, but the rubric says to write this story keep in mind what the victim likes, what the victim is interested in, and
ways to fool the victim into coming with you.

Sounds familiar? That's right, the story must be written as if we were pedophiles / rapists.

Why is this funny? Its just a story prompt right? (Well actually I can find multiple things amiss from the norm)  But something interesting came to mind. How does this relate to the curriculum? Think of it, writing a story is fine, mystery/horror = sensory details. Where does pedophilia and psychologic play of small children come into play? And isn't a grown woman teaching a whole grade level of children to be future rapists?

The only logical reasons I could think of is that our teacher...
-Was horny thinking of this prompt
-Plans to use the ideas we implement in the near future
-or Wants to form a generation of rapists.

Logically the one I turned to was the part where she tries to judge the maturity level of students she has been given but still the story prompt isn't quite right.

Well I should get to writing soon, 6 pages of writing thoughts of a pedo isn't going to do itself. (No pun intended).


The best part is we have to share our rape fantasies with large groups.

F*ck. (Pun intended)
Ta~ta Now. -Andrew

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