Friday, September 27, 2013

Dont tackle your crush

That's right... I totally tackled her, like a clumsy little biatch. before I continue, I missed a post yesterday because I was too buys grieving over my mistake (AKA: doing homework) so that's why there was no post yesterday :P ok so back to the story. this is my first time using the computer to post so there might be a bit more short today because I actually have vision of how long it is compared to my phone. when I use my phone I usually create a giant wall of text. Ok now back to the story. so in P.E we were playing flag football right. in flag football I am always afraid of pulling someone's pants down instead of a flag or grasping a warm sweaty butt-cheek. so I was glad that "she" was on my team instead of another. My pants didn't fall down either if you were hoping for a story like that so don't get too excited. but I did tackle her :3 so what had happened was... I was running to get this guys flag on the other team and she walked in my way (totally not her fault) and BAM!... I crashed into her I felt so bad and embarrassed. I got too close I guess :3 she didn't fall though, I would kill myself if I did anything to her. so that's basically it... I tackled my crush. really bad right? I didn't make her cry i didn't hurt her, but it was unexpected and sudden. not too bad, but if your me... it totally is.
-Love Dimeswag (No Homo)

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