Friday, September 27, 2013


(Quiet, Here
Some say humans are beautiful creatures, and work amazingly well with such efficiency and a capacity to adapt. But is this true? We have progressed much throught the years, but only with the knowledge of a precious few, rather than the abundance of minds. we could do so many things if we had *that* much more innovation in our thick skulls.)


(Quiet, Again.
Being as strange as i am, i have always wondered what is the point of fixing something people worked so hard to break, and to get it to stay that way? This defines our world. love, hope, friendship. I hope this changes. it is no way of living. If i choose to have children, it will be because the world has turned into something tolerable. something that can be enjoyed, with knowledge, music, culture, and an unstoppable force called love. Until then, i guess ill be here, waiting.)


(Hello, I Go By Quiet.
Thanks to Mushroom, i am now a new author to this blog, and i would like to share my thoughts from time to time. Cheerios.)

Dont tackle your crush

That's right... I totally tackled her, like a clumsy little biatch. before I continue, I missed a post yesterday because I was too buys grieving over my mistake (AKA: doing homework) so that's why there was no post yesterday :P ok so back to the story. this is my first time using the computer to post so there might be a bit more short today because I actually have vision of how long it is compared to my phone. when I use my phone I usually create a giant wall of text. Ok now back to the story. so in P.E we were playing flag football right. in flag football I am always afraid of pulling someone's pants down instead of a flag or grasping a warm sweaty butt-cheek. so I was glad that "she" was on my team instead of another. My pants didn't fall down either if you were hoping for a story like that so don't get too excited. but I did tackle her :3 so what had happened was... I was running to get this guys flag on the other team and she walked in my way (totally not her fault) and BAM!... I crashed into her I felt so bad and embarrassed. I got too close I guess :3 she didn't fall though, I would kill myself if I did anything to her. so that's basically it... I tackled my crush. really bad right? I didn't make her cry i didn't hurt her, but it was unexpected and sudden. not too bad, but if your me... it totally is.
-Love Dimeswag (No Homo)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hello Blog Go'ers.

So I got a new phone and as I'm reading done things just recently posted on my blog. I realize.

Oh no~ I'm being outdone.

So yeah, I'm back.

Here is something I'm sure everyone can relate to or had related to sometime in their internet life. Have you ever just had an absolutely amazing idea that you planned to write about (whether it a song, blog post or story/essay) and thought you were a genius! "Oh this will be amazing" kind of thing? I know you have. Don't deny yourself the right to the truth. Well this is about the third time this has happened to me. So I am making a change. Starting now I am going to bring a folder and pencil wherever I go solely dedicated to songwriting, blogging, and story writing.

Why am I telling you this?
Mostly because once I tell someone I am going to do something (even you uncaring readers) I stick to it.

In other words. I'm using you.

But be prepared for some interesting stuff :). My imagination is not a safe place for innocent minds.

Mushroom ~

I don't exist

Hey guys, Dimeswag here. So am in the lunch room writing this... Were do I find the time and place for all this? Well I have my phone under the table, hoping a teacher won't walk by. I just wanted to type this up on my phone before I forget. So this morning, I wall into class 15 minutes late (as usual) and take my seat hoping that this girl I always mention in my posts doesn't notice. After that was over, I progress to 3rd period... P.E. We are playing flag football. I am athletic but not a jockey, nobody knows I can throw and catch. I just ran when he yelled "hike" and stayed completely open. Nobody was defending me so I was free to catch the ball with no traffic, but I never got the chance. Anyways this "girl" is in my P.E class, the worst class to have your crush in... If your not athletic. If you are then it's a home run for you. No work, you don't have to be nice or anything. All you have to do is have abs and throw a football halfway down a football field. I am not that guy. I do have a pretty snazzy six pack if I do say so myself ;) Anyways, it was muddy out there. So many people fell into mud because it was raining in the morning(luckily i wanst one of them)... Not fun. I change out (put on deodorant of course) and continue with the rest if my day. 5th period. Math, Geometry to be exact. At the beginning of class i stand bear a desk and the "girl" walks in and says "are you going to sit there?" i casualy say "no, I am not" then i think to myself "why didn't i say anything else?" well i didn't have to. It was a yes or no question. I guess i was too excited that she said something to me that i wanted to continue the conversation. I am so dumb sometimes... then comes dismissal. Sitting in a classroom waiting to go home. This "girl" is outside the door right? And of course i am first to jump up and open the door for her, not making it too  obvious course. She just stands out side waiting or looking in the hallway for who knows what, i am still there holding the door open waiting for her to pass through. Then finally she walks through withought a word. No thank you, no thanks, no nothing. My friend passes by her on the way to his seat and says "hey, "Dineswag" opened the door for you" then she realizes that she didn't say anything... She looks at me and says "thanks" with her crooked cute smile and walks away. All of this lasted about 1 second keep in mind. Sometimes I feel like she doesn't know exist.
-Love Dimeswag (no homo)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I am a wimp

hey guys, Dimeswag here. Do you remember that girl I talked about in my second post? Well here is an update... She thinks I am nice. The pulling out chairs, holding the door, pacifist type of nice. Like I couldn't hurt a fly. I personally think that if your a softie then you can't protect your girl. But of course i dont have one... (yet). If someone was after my (nonexistent) girl i would be ready to throw down, i would be on them like butter on toast... Actulay I cant:( I just realized that i let people push me around all day just because i am too nice. I let people push me around like i am the last piece of fried chicken in the KFC tub sitting on the edge of the fence... In the "hood". I am a freaking piece of fried chicken... Not the meaty kind, the one with no meat no fat... Just a bone with skin on it. I need to step up my game if I want this girl interested in me. But what do i do? Push people around? Be the tuff guy i am not? I don't think that is right. She would hate me for being a jerk to other people. I don't know what to do. I recall on class today that at the end of the day I got shrugged off and pushed away by one person then someone else came over an pushed me all the way back to the door and opened it to push be out. Then as I walked back in, he knocked my calculator off of my desk... So sad. I am just one big loser. Its not like he hated me or anything, I am sure he thinks of me as a friend. I don't get why people think that they can push me around. I think not.
-Love Dimeswag (No Homo)

I am not gay, so let me share my point of view on them.

Hey, Dimeswag here. Lets get a few things straight. I am straight, linear like a line, or for a lack of a better term, a person who is a guy and likes girls. there are plenty of gay people, non linear like a parabala, or for a lack of a better term, a guy who likes guys.  Am not talking about 69 here, I am talking about just normal gay people. A thought occurred to me and it was that gay people are misunderstood. They just want relationships with other guys, they don't like guys because they want a "D" in their mouth. Its different. I am was one of those people that called my friends gay because they did something feminine ( don't lie, you are guilty too). Nothing is completely wrong with that either. But what you are doing is saying that gay people are weird or unusual. They are normal people with different interests... And by interests I mean that they like the same sex. They are looking to find some sexy male to hook up with, hoping that they are gay too. We (Straight people) do the same thing, only difference is that we are looking to find a sexy lady to hook up with. Same thing with girls who like the same sex. They are no different then gay guys. I have about 2 lesbians in each of my classes and they act completely normal. My school is a uniform school so you would have never been able to tell. Next time you see a gay person, don't shun them and make then feel insecure. I am not gay and I respect you if you are.
Love, Dimeswag (a little homo, only for those who strugle)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Crush... Mine

Hey guys, Dimeswag here. Everyone has had a crush before right? Yeah I am pretty sure. When was it? grade school? Elementary? I had one (and still do) since 6th grade. I am now in 8th grade. Long time right? Two years, almost three. Not going to say who though. Just common sense. She is awesome. (I am a dude in case I didn't mention it before) From the beginning now. She never knew I liked her until the 3rd quarter of 6th grade. When I left to a different school. I told one of my best buds not to tell her anything. Of course he did, they always do. I was at my new school drooling over some other girl for about the rest of the year. Typical right? But I never forgot about the original. 7th grade is a big whoop. Yeah, more work, harder work, and only one grade higher. The middle between the really short scrawny kids from 6th grade and the buff mean teenagers in 8th. Meanwhile I was trying to find myself like a "bagler" from Burger king. You know, when you order onion rings and you get that one French fry mixed in with the onion rings. I found myself alright... I found a sweet potato french fry with nerd sauce at the verry bottom of the bag. I am not a big nerd though, just the kid that knows everything but sports (I am starting to fancy Hockey though). ok back to 7th grade. 7th grade was when I came back to the original school with the original girl. Long story, but I was happy to be back with my friends. I saw her again and almost sharted my pants. I couldn't believe she was still at that school, I would have imagined that she would have left already. The school didn't have lockers, it was small, and the coolness level of the school was a solid 6 out of 10... But it was an "A" school. Granted that was its second year. She just said "hey look, "Dimeswag" is back" and never said anything else for the rest of the year. the the last day of school, I remember, was when I gained the guts to hug her. We were on a friend basis. And by friend I mean she knew me and it wasn't awkward to say hi to her when I pass her in the hallway. That end of the year hug was the worst hug ever. She was short. She is about 5 feet tall, and I am 5 11", Almost 6 feet. it was quick, awkward, weird, and I don't think she appreciated it. I regret doing it in the first place. I just wanted to let her know that she isn't just a classmate from last year. I didn't think it was going to be that deep for her. I think that she knew that i like her but i also think she forgot. But sometimes i hear her getting reminded by her friends. It was in 6th grade. I haven't said anything about it since. Now summer has passed and she grew a whole nothing. Not a half nothing, a whole. I grew taller, but not by much. It is now 8th grade. I am sure she knows I like her because she occasionally gets reminded due to her friends attempting to tease me. I shake it off though. I act like it was only 6th grade, like it was and still is the past. The first couple of weeks I try to say hi. She says hi back with her cute little smile but that's it... Nothing else. She acts like I don't exist. Then I tried something different. Magic. I brought in a deck of cards and did a couple of magic tricks for her. Everyone loves magic, right? I did the "guess you card" trick. "Wasn't very impressive" i thought to myself. I needed something cooler. Then I learned to make the card that she has chosen to be the only face down card in the deck. I needed to be more impressive. I finally made her in awe by making a card disappear into thin air. Just have a card out in my hand an flick my wrist. Boomshakalaka, it was gone. She was amazed. I know she likes little things that are cool, like being able to make bird calls with your hands. Weird but cool right? Anyways. I noticed that when I was "showing off my skills" one day that she paid no attention to me. She sat at her table waiting to go home during dismissal. I guess she got bored. I was no longer impressive. Now I have to progress with the rest of the year that hasn't happened yet. Wish me luck, and thank you for reading.
-Love Dimeswag (No Homo)

Dimeswag here! new editor to the blog

Hello everyone. I would like to welcome myself here thanks to Mushroom. I am the newest editor to the blog and like everyone else here on this blog I would like to share a couple of my thoughts now and then. My thoughts could be personal, which I don't mind, they could be wrong, or they could be about your mom. Don't mind me when I say dumb stuff but forgive me, I could not resist. I would like to put out my first real post within the next few minutes so if I haven't made a good enough impression for you... just stick around. You will love me :)   -Love Dimeswag  (No Homo)