Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I really don't have much to write about right now.
So I'm going to write about that.

Who of your readers have a very vivid and descriptive imagination? Now think, have you ever had a moment in your life when you think of something that you want to write about but don't readily have a pencil paper or mobile device to record your thoughts and then you get home later and decide to attempt and recreate your genius idea using whatever remnants you have of it left?

And then you reread it.

And its literary shiet.

(This is one of those moments)
If you haven't (either you don't have a creative mind or you're lazy.) consider yourself lucky. (It sucks always trying to think of ways to make things into an entertaining story.) Enjoy it while you can, because now you are going to notice when this happen because I brought the problem to your attention.

Bring a pencil where ever you go.